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Pre-order and Back Order

If your items are selling like hotcakes and you cannot keep up with the rising demand, you need to have a pre-order or backorder feature. Here is the distinction:

Typically, pre-orders (or "I want to be the first to purchase it") are used to take orders before the actual release date. If your consumers want to be among the first to use a new item, get a unique pair of Jordans or Kenzo for H&M shoes, etc., they may place an order in advance.

Backorders in Magento 2

Backorder capability is available by default in Magento 2. Access the Product Stock Options tab under Stores -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Inventory -> Product Stock.



In the "Backorders" column, choose the appropriate option:

  • No backorders disable the backorder function in your shop;

  • Allow Qty Below 0 to display the product as In Stock even when qty = 0;

  • Allow Qty Below 0 & Notify Customer to display the product as In Stock and the corresponding message in the shopping cart.

Pre-orders in Magento 2

By default, Magento 2 lacks pre-order capabilities. Therefore, you must find a solution that meets your business requirements.



Last update: 2022-06-29